
2025.01.20 (월)

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기상청 제공


워너비 그룹 Illegal Multi-Step 'Wannabe Group' Business Suspension

FTC, Wannabe Group announces police charges
워너비그룹 Wannabe Group, suspension of business due to illegal multi-level sales behavior



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ryu seungwoo Journalist | Multi-level sales organization 'Wannabe Data', The so-called 'Wannabe Group' was suspended by the FTC for illegal multi-level sales behavior.


The FTC further said it will file a complaint with prosecutors against the CEO of Wannabe Data.


According to the FTC investigation, Wannabe Data collects subscription fees from new salespeople,

It is known that it has taken economic benefits from recruiting lower salespeople.


In particular, Pastor Jeon Young-chul, chairman of Wannabe Data, raised the damage by actively attracting investment to church members.


In response, the victims called for the quick arrest of Chairman Jeon Young-chul and heralded a large-scale rally in front of the Daejeon National Police Agency. 


■ 아이타임즈M 이슈보도탐사팀 제보하기

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