
2025.02.11 (화)

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기상청 제공


CJ Foodville, declares ESG management, but lacks protection of franchisees' rights and interests[IssueDIG UP]

Second, the FTC issued a correction order by providing an information disclosure that does not contain the loss of a civil lawsuit related to the violation of the Affiliate Business Act
ESG management declared, but Tous Les Jours CJ Foodville social sector still lacking



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ju-un Journalist | CJ Foodville, which operates Tous Les Jours, has been ordered to correct by the FTC for violating the Affiliate Business Act.


The FTC said CJ Foodville did not list the loss of a civil lawsuit with its franchise owner in the information disclosure form, judging it as a deceptive act of information.


CJ Foodville also received a correction order from the FTC in 2019, citing unfair contracts. The FTC says it will strengthen the protection of franchisees' rights and interests through the move.


Meanwhile, some point out that CJ Foodville's behavior goes against ESG management declared by the company.





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