
2025.01.17 (금)

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기상청 제공


삼성중공업 한화오션 Samsung Heavy Industries, Hanwha Ocean, Controversy over unpaid wages for subcontracted workers

Subcontracted Workers' Wages Delinquency Despite Booming Shipbuilding Industry
Subcontractors Urge Ready-Made Payments to Increase
On the part of the original office,
Ready-Made Payments Payment, No Responsibility
Need to improve structural problems in shipbuilding industry



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ryu seungwoo Journalist | In a statement on June 27, the Geoje Tongyoung High Shipbuilding Subcontractor Branch of the National Metal Workers' Union claimed that the ready-made payments made by the original contractors to their subcontractors were too low, causing a problem of overdue wages.


The subcontracting branch says Samsung Heavy Industries and Hanwha Ocean have increased the burden on subcontractors by pulling up and paying the reserve fund in advance without raising it.


Samsung Heavy Industries' subcontractor, Changsung Company, suddenly announced its closure, making the problem even worse.


Due to the closure of Changsung Company, more than 250 subcontracted workers are not being paid in May and June.


In response, Samsung Heavy Industries said it had paid the ready-made payment in advance, but that it was not responsible, claiming that the Changsung Company's problem caused wage arrears.


Hanwha Ocean also paid all of its ready-made funds, and dismissed the unpaid wages as a management problem for subcontractors.


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