
2025.02.19 (수)

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기상청 제공


Coupang and Coupang Affiliates CPLB... Corrective Orders and Penalties KRW 178 million[IssueDIG UP]

Coupang and Coupang Affiliates CPLB... Sanctions on Unfair Subcontract Transactions
Coupang and Coupang Affiliates CPLB... Corrective Orders and Penalties KRW 178 million



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ju-un Journalist | Coupang In addition, CPLB, a Coupang affiliate that manufactures corrugated cardboard, was imposed a total of 178 million won on the Fair Trade Commission, including corrective orders and fines of 49 million won on Coupang and 129 million won on CPLB.


According to the Fair Trade Commission, Coupang and Kang affiliated affiliated companies to sell through e-commerce platform for 34 months from March 2019.


During the above period, the number of orders placed by Coupang and CPLB with false subcontracting unit prices was 31,405, and the order amount was about 113.4 billion won.


Coupang and Coupang affiliates CPLB wrote differently between the subcontracting unit price actually paid and the unit price written in the order, and issued an order document falsely stating the subcontracting unit price. I’ve told you from Issue Dig Up





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