
2024.07.26 (금)

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기상청 제공

Yanolja 'Yellow Bull' on ESG management, 3rd month of Fair Trade Act violation review

Yanolja, Controversy over unfair behavior, will it be resolved by the platform law?
Yanolja, Under investigation by the FTC on allegations of abuse of exclusive status in Korea



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ju-un Journalist | In December of last year, It has been three months since the Fair Trade Commission began reviewing sanctions on Yanolja's violation of the Fair Trade Act.


At the time, the FTC accepted criticism that Yanolja abused its trading position in the market by restricting the promotion of the store company and prepared a review report. As a result, attention is being paid to the results of the review later.


Experts believe that the results of the review will also determine whether the platform fair competition promotion law, which has been called for by the Federation of Small Businesses, will be revived.


Yanolja has also been criticized in 2021 for its transparency issues with on-platform advertising costs and algorithms.


In response, Yanolja emphasized corporate social responsibility by declaring ESG management, but critics continue to point out that practices related to market dominance abuse are still lacking.




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