
2024.07.27 (토)

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기상청 제공

Donggu Biopharmaceutical Breaches Pharmaceutical Law...[IssueDIG UP]

Ministry of Food and Drug Safety temporarily suspends and recalls manufacturing and sales
Manufacturing of false drugs, falsification of manufacturing records



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ju-un Journalist | Dong-gu Bio Pharmaceutical has been imposed by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety to stop manufacturing, sell, and retrieve drugs falsely in violation of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act and forging manufacturing records.


There are two items: Roxoris tablet and Glyphaem tablet, which are antipyretic analgesic anti-inflammatory drugs.


Cho Yong-joon, chairman of Donggu Biopharmaceutical, is the chairman of the Korea Pharmaceutical Cooperative, a group of small and medium-sized pharmaceutical companies.


Nevertheless, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety has found that Dong-gu Bio Pharmaceutical was manufacturing drugs such as Roxoris tablet and Glyphaem tablet in violation of manufacturing and quality control standards.


The industry said Donggu Bio Pharmaceutical's false manufacturing detection has hurt its status as a leader of small and medium-sized pharmaceutical companies.


There are also concerns that a crack in the overall reliability of products produced by the small and medium-sized pharmaceutical industry has provided a starting point for regulators to have reasonable doubts. 




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